v0.8 - The big one!

Following the last playtest, I've made significant changes to the system, especially combat. It's now more like Into the Odd, with auto-hits. I've also added the rest of the core arcane spells and their descriptions, changed how spending abilities works, increased the minimum and maximum ability scores, renamed some terms, and done a lot of reorganization and editing. I consider this version as close to the final as I could get without a few more playtests. What remains is more content, mostly in the form of tables, and sidebar or extra explanatory text. I have to make a decision regarding the book's voice, but I don't need to make it just yet. Then there's the art, which I'm really excited about starting. I've made great strides with the cover, though even that is nowhere near the final version. Working  on the cover might seem premature, and I would have said the same. In this case, I feel that RPG covers are important for telling both the player and the designer what kind of game it is. It helps me get a feel for the game. What do I want to play? How do I want players to see the game? It all starts with that cover.


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Feb 03, 2021

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